Portfolio of Turtle Island

龜山島是全台唯一的活火山,繞島可欣賞海底溫泉等自然景觀;民國67年中美斷交,龜山島成為軍事重地,登島可至軍事隧道參觀、至島上的媽祖廟(目前祀奉觀音)參拜、龜山島生態豐富,鳥類曾紀錄到 25 種,留鳥16種、候鳥9種。龜山島又名龜山嶼,位於宜蘭縣頭城鎮海岸以東約10公里處,是孤懸於海中之火山島嶼,因其形似浮龜而得名,全島東西長3.3公里,南北長1.7公里,面積只有2.85平方公里,海岸線長約10公里。



The Turtle Island is the only active volcano in Taiwan, surf around the island, you can enjoy the hot springs and other natural landscapes; in the year 1978, after Taiwan and US stop diplomatic relations, Turtle Island turned into a military base. Boarding the island you can visit the military tunnels and the Matsu Temple on the Island. The Turtle Island has rich ecologies, bird species recorded over 25 kinds, 16 species of resident birds and 9 species of migratory birds.

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鯨艷之旅 Watching Whale or Dolphin

噶瑪蘭號 宜蘭賞鯨